Kerstin Berthold
Kerstin Berthold
Kerstin Berthold
Kerstin Berthold

Malerei / Painting

Feuer / Fire

Feuervorhang / Fire curtain

two parts  2x 24x32cm, oil on Fabriano paper

Rauch /Smoke

two parts  2x 24x32cm, oil on Fabriano paper

Feuerfeder /Fire feather

two parts  2x 24x32cm, oil on Fabriano paper

Feuerfisch /Fire fish

two parts  2x 24x32cm, oil on Fabriano paper


two parts  2x 24x32cm, oil on Fabriano paper

Feuerschaum /Fire foam

two parts  2x 24x32cm, oil on Fabriano paper

Feuerseil /Fire rope

24x32cm, oil on Fabriano paper

Feuerweg /Fire path

two parts  2x 24x32cm, oil on Fabriano paper

Fire on paper 1

21x29,8 cm, gouache auf paper

Fire on paper 2

21x29,8 cm, gouache auf paper

Flammentafel 3 / flame board 3

30 x 24 cm, Oil on wood panel

Flammentafel 5 / flame board 5

30 x 24 cm, Oil on wood panel

Feuerkreis / fire circle

two parts, 2 x 50x70 cm, Oil on canvas with a relief surface

Rollfeuer / rolling fire

two parts, 2 x 60x90 cm, Oil on canvas with a relief surface

Lauffeuer / running fire

three parts, 3 x 80x60cm, Oil on canvas

Denken verbrennt leise / Thinking burns quietly

four parts, 4 x 60x90cm, Oil on canvas

Kamin Magentagrün

three parts, 3 x 40x140cm, Oil on canvas with faux fur edge

Krachend aschblaues Zirpen / cracking ash-blue chirping

two parts, 2 x 70x100 cm, oil on canvas

Flammengrün / flame green

100x70cm, oil on canvas

Bootsfeuer / boat fire

two parts, 2 x 90x 60 cm, oil on canvas
